Does HELiMESH® fully comply with CAP 437 and UK O&G Guidelines on Helideck safety issue 2?

Yes. HELIMESH10® AND HELIMESH25® are two of only three safety net systems in the world which fully complies with British Civil Aviation Authority CAP437 Guideline and Oil and Gas U.K. “Helideck Perimeter Safety Nets – Issue 2”. Type testing as required by these documents was witnessed by D.N.V. - G.L. (Det Norske Veritas - Germanische [...]

Does HELiMESH® fully comply with CAP 437 and UK O&G Guidelines on Helideck safety issue 2?2019-08-09T05:41:13+00:00

How did you test HELiMESH®?

Rigorous type testing has been conducted in accordance with CAP437/O.G.U.K. guidelines. A drop test load of 295kg from 1m has been applied to the same HELiMESH® test panel with 10 repetitions without failure. This far exceeds the O.G.U.K. required test load of 125kg. We also have a Pull-through “Energy Testing” has also been conducted in the [...]

How did you test HELiMESH®?2019-08-09T05:36:59+00:00
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