The top 5 HELiMESH10® advantages are;

  1. With up to 10 years of service life the Helimesh system dispenses with repeated and costly installation of inferior safety net systems
  2. Because Helimesh10 is made only from 316 Stainless Steel it will not melt, burn or deteriorate with exposure to U.V. or bird guano
  3. The Helimesh “10 Year Service Life System” provides peace of mind to the operator proving ”Fit for Service” on an ongoing annual basis
  4. No “in-situ” drop testing is required offshore
  5. Quick removal for maintenance / access: As the Helimesh® system comprises individual custom-made panels it allows for quick removal and reinstallation should access be required to a particular segment of the helideck perimeter underside

And there are many more
